A Will Is NOT An Estate Plan!!

Hey Attorney Kevin Pritchett here:
Probate Nightmare
True story…..
In a recent appointment, a client wanted my help with a Probate nightmare he had. Long, long story short, his mother left he and his sister a home..free and clear.
The brother, my client, was living in the home and paying all the expenses. And the brother and sister were in a dispute over all manner of issues.
The case was drowning in the bowels of Probate court and NEITHER brother or sister was going to get what they wanted in court….
Further, because of the way the house was titled (or more correctly IMPROPERLY TITLED..IN OTHER WORDS NO PROPER ESTATE PLAN AND THE HOUSE WAS LEFT TO BE DEALT WITH IN PROBATE COURT…) it was quite possible the legal title might be messed up from generation to generation!!! WHAT AN INCREDIBLE WASTE!!
A Will Does NOT Avoid Probate
Let’s just cut to the chase…a will DOES NOT…repeat…DOES NOT avoid probate!!
A will is actually the roadmap that a probate court uses to distribute an estate. With only a will your heirs are still required to suffer the
==public scrutiny and possible challenge
of Probate.
You CAN provide for your FINAL WISHES Smoothly and Privately
Don’t procrastinate on this….Things don’t get better with neglect…they get worse.
Talk soon
The Solution To Avoiding Probate
The simple and effective way to avoid probate is to have a proper Estate Plan which consists of:
==a pour over Will
==Revocable Living Trust
==Power of Attorney For Health Care
==Power of Attorney For Property
==Quit Claim Deed of your Family Home Into Your Trus
==All Investment Properties In Entities or Land Trusts
With this Estate Plan your heirs can receive nearly all Estate Assets WITHOUT having to subject the estate to the delays, expense and scrutiny of Probate…SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE.
Yet WAY TOO MANY people mistakenly believe a Will alone will achieve the above…WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
Stop listening to ‘Uncle Melvin…or ” the guy next door’…..they’re dead wrong!!
Don’t procrastinate on this……
“Things don’t get better with neglect…..”
Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett, Inc.
312-505-1957 phone