
The Coolest Art And Artists You’ll Ever Meet….

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Business Up-Close And Personal Podcast-January 2019:
    The Aurora Arts Initiative/Emily McDonald-Founder

Kevin Pritchett here:

This month I have a great treat for you in our monthly Business Podcast.  This month I’m interviewing Emily McDonald, Founder and CEO of the Aurora Arts Initiative AAI. 





Emily is a 22 year old visionary who created and operates AAI as a non for profit home/incubator/master class/academy for young artists (the youngest exhibiting artist is 12 years old!!!).

The young artists mentored by Emily have created some of the most intriguing, provocative and moving art I have seen in quite some time.











I discovered Emily  and the AII through one of my newest insurance planning clients, Rose Regulus, who is herself a gifted artist.

Rose referred me to Emily and after visiting the AII in downtown Aurora, Illinois (3 separate galleries forming the AII campus) and  hearing Emily’s passion for promoting young artists and seeing her Herculean work creating and sustaining the AII I knew I wanted to share this special place and all the beautiful and inspiring work of the incredible young artists who make up AII.

Art Openings Every Friday
With Live Music & Refreshments

AII has shows every Friday each  with live music, refreshments and lots and lots of incredible art by young artists.

Young Guns’ Show This Friday 6-10 pm

This Friday January 25 from 6-10 pm AII is hosting the “Young Guns Show” 1904 Gallery, One East Benton St., Aurora (one of the 3 galleries that make up AII) where over 200 artists under age 23…one as young as 12…YES 12 years old will present their art along with multiple live bands, refreshments and some of the most eclectic artists and art lovers you’ll ever see.
Admission is FREE and all art will be available for purchase.

Get Involved And Support The Aurora Arts Initiative

When you take a few minutes (about 7) and click on the link above in this post and listen to Emily’s heart and passion and hear her describe the AII you’ll rediscover your own ‘inner artist’ and want to pick up your canvas, camera or whatever you do to get your creative groove on.

For those of you who may not know, I play classical and jazz piano and sing classical music.  So I jump at  any opportunity I have to spread the word about great art in our community

Here is how you can support AII:

1. Round up your posse and come on down to the ‘Young Guns Show’ this Friday, 1904 Gallery, One East Benton St., Aurora and get your inner artist on with the cool folks and brilliant young AII artists.

2.  Click here to join AII mailing list so you don’t miss a single cool-ass event!!

3.  Make a donation in whatever form and amount you’re moved….Cash, art supplies, crayons..everything is needed and all is much appreciated. I wouldn’t ask you to do anything I haven’t done…

4.  MAKE YOUR OWN ART….the very act of life is creative and I believe we align ourselves with Divine Source energy when we create…

Send donations to:
Aurora Arts Initiative
61 S. Stolp Ave
Aurora, IL 60506

Ok that’s it for this Up Close and Personal Business Podcast.  Hope you enjoy the interview and this post as much as I did putting it together for you.

It’s your life…make it Extraordinary!!
Kevin Pritchett
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett
Promethean Financial

P.S. Emily and me…. I’m the one on the right!!!
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