What Is A ‘Revocable Living Trust” And Why You Need One

Revocable trust on a wooden desk.


Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek…..
Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here

    I conclude this Basic Estate Planning Series with an explanation of the centerpiece of a proper Estate plan…The Revocable Living Trust

“What Is A Revocable Living Trust?”
     A Revocable Living Trust (RLT)  is a document you sign that provides for the transfer of all the assets in your Estate upon your death.

    Most people believe that its the WILL that transfers your assets..  A Will CAN transfer your assets upon your death if a Will is all you have.

    Remember, if you have a Will, your heirs are REQUIRED to file that will with the Probate Court of the County where you died and the Probate Legal Process takes over…..a costly and time consuming legal court process where your entire estate is made public and  anyone with a possible claim can file a petition with the court and adjudicate that claim.

    On the other hand, with a RLT all your estate assets are listed and you provide for any gifts and transfers you wish to make right in the Trust.

    The big differences are:
==the RLT is completely private…no court filing
==the RLT names a Trustee to handle the affairs  of the
RLT…not a court who names an administrator.
==you save time and court expenses

You Can Make Changes To Your RLT
    As long as you are alive and mentally competent you can make any changes you want to your RLT.However, once you become mentally incompetent(as determined by provisions of the RLT itself…no court determination required) or die, the RLT provisions become locked in and no changes can be made by the Trustee.

“Ok..But Why Do I Need Revocable Living Trust?”
    Glad you asked!!      Let’s say you own your personal home and maybe a vacation home.  The title to each of these parcels of real estate is you and your spouse in joint tenancy or tenancy by the entirety (which means if one of you dies the surviving spouse has automatic title to the real estate).

     The problem with this type of title is…..what if BOTH you and your spouse pass away at the same time..???  

Answer:  the real estate has no living title owner and the heirs must GO TO PROBATE COURT to sort it out….not good.  Expense, delays and possibility of disputes with potential creditors.

       ALL of your real estate should be titled in your Revocable Living Trust.  The RLT states that both spouses are GRANTORS of the RLT and also provides a Trustee to take over administration of Trust after the last of the two Grantors dies.      

     Without this RLT in the same situation above, your family would have to file an expensive and time consuming petition with Probate Court for someone to be named administrator or guardian so as to transact your business.   

     Besides the expense of hiring a Probate Attorney
($2500 to $5,000 minimum Retainer plus ongoing
hourly legal fees), the case could take 12-18 months
to resolve.  Add THAT potential cost up at $375/hour or more per hour!!!

Eliminates The Expense And Delay of Probate

Without this RLT
in the same situation above, your family would have to file an expensive and time consuming petition with Probate Court for someone to be named administrator or guardian so as to transact your business.   

     Besides the expense of hiring me as a Probate Attorney ($2500 to $5,000 minimum Retainer plus ongoing hourly legal fees), the case could take 12-18 months to resolve.  Add THAT potential cost up at $375/hour or more!!!

Reach Out To Me If You Have Questions.  
If you have comments or questions about any of this…



send me an email : ironkop@gmailcom or

if reading on my blog or Facebook page leave your questions or comments below.

Things Don’t Get Better With Neglect…..”

Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett, Inc.

The Most Frightening Crime Risk You Face Right Now… Real Estate Cybercrime!!




Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek…..
Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here
The Most Frightening Risk You Face Right Now:
Cybercrime In Real Estate Transactions
    Here’s some statistics for you….

–in 2018 there was over $300-$600 Billion in attempted cybercrime

–while the average garden variety bank robbery yields $3800
  the average cybercrime yields over $160,000!!!
you are most vulnerable in a real estate transaction
   where cyber thieves hijack email accounts and
   send you FAKE WIRE INSTRUCTIONS so you
   end up wiring your real estate money NOT to the
   title company but to the cyber thief’s bank account.
How To Protect Yourself
1.  Be vigilant against PHISING emails
    A phising email is a fake email that
pretends to be from a trusted source and
asks for personal information…sometimes
even responding to these emails will hijack
your email account and give access to the
    If the email doesn’t make sense or is
asking for personal info; ssn, drivers license,
tax id number, birthday, STOP, THINK AND
    If you believe the email is fake report it to:
www.IC3.gov so the FBI can begin an investigation
2.  Confirm Everything…verify everything
    In a real estate transaction..ALWAYS, ALWAYS
ALWAYS, call the title company involved in
your deal and verbally confirm that the wire instructions
you received are the legitimate wire instructions

from that title company.

     Also, independently confirm the phone number
and address of the title company through your
own google search…to make sure the phone
number on the wire instructions you receive
is legitimate and not fake.
3.  What To Do If You’ve Been Targeted
== Immediately call your bank and ask
them to issue a recall notice for your wire.
==Report the crime to www.IC3.gov
==Call your regional FBI office and police
==Detecting that your money has been hijacked
and reporting it within 24 hours is the best chance
of recovering any money lost!!!!
For more info see:

Reach Out To Me If You Have Questions.

…send me an email :ironkop@gmailcom
or if reading on my blog or Facebook page
leave your questions or comments below.


Things Don’t Get Better With Neglect…..”
Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett, Inc.

What’s The Biggest Mistake You’ve Ever Made?

Just south of Saw Mill Creek…
Hey Kevin Pritchett here:

What’s The Biggest Mistake You’ve Ever Made?

     We’ve ALL made mistakes …
and will CONTINUE to make mistakes.

Some make me laugh…others make me sick to my stomach!!     In the end….what you DO NOT want are:

==   to make the SAME mistakes over and over;

== to have your mistakes be FATAL and unrecoverable

== not to have others be hurt by your mistakes

Bummer huh????   Deal with it!!!

That’s right…..I’m that nagging , pesty voice that’s here  to tell you the things you don’t know you don’t know…

That person that’s here to help you
==take care of your family,
==your business…

                               before its too late!


Remember, things don’t get better with neglect…..

Talk Soon
Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Insurance Planning

Law Office of Kevin Pritchett


“Failing To Prepare….”

Just south of Saw Mill Creek…
Hey Kevin Pritchett here:

There’s really not much I can add  to the quote above…..

Remember things don’t get better with neglect…..”


Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Insurance Planning

Law Office of Kevin Pritchett




just south of Saw Mill Creek…
Hey Kevin Pritchett here:

Ask Me Anything

    Here’s where you get to ask me….ANYTHING!!!

Questions about:

==Income Replacement…what’s the best strategy?

==Retirement Income Planning…how to REALLY    receive
guaranteed monthly income you can’t  outlive?

==What is an Estate Plan and why do I need one?


Just Write Your Question Down Below

Just jot your question in the space down below if reading this on Social Media, or in the space provided below for comments if you’re reading on my blog….

Here’s your chance to get your questions that you’ve had for ages answered by an expert….and not receive a bill!!!

Remember things don’t get better with neglect…..”

Talk Soon
Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Insurance Planning

Law Office of Kevin Pritchett


Income Replacement

Income Replacement
The Stepchild of Insurance Planning

Total Income Replacement In Death, Sickness, Loss of Job

Hi Kevin Pritchett here:
I want to share a personal story about why I decided to offer insurance planning.

How I Became An Insurance Planner

    Several years ago I helped a legal client sell his business. The business was very successful and generated a nice profit. He wanted to make sure his income was not interrupted should he die.

After a comprehensive appointment with me I told him that he ALSO had to plan for the event of his DISABILITY, CHRONIC ILLNESS OR LOSS OF JOB..he was stunned that he had not thought of ALL those possible scenarios that ALSO required proper planning.


The additional  issue this client had  was while my client wanted to sell, he also wanted and NEEDED a monthly income.  He turned down many offers over the years because my client believed he couldn’t sell his business AND have a monthly income.

    Long story short, I showed him how he could sell for top dollar AND receive a GUARANTEED MONTHLY INCOME HE COULDNEVER OUTLIVE!!!  

Guaranteed Monthly Income AND Saved $400,000 In Taxes

    Oh..I showed him how to save over $400,000 in income taxes and receive TAX FREE monthly income too!!! 

    He was so thrilled he told several of his friends and well…the rest is history!!!

     I consider it a privilege to help people, like yourself,
determine the perfect plan for you and your family.

   I’ve helped literally HUNDREDS of clients in my 32 years…I can help you too. 

You’ve got NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING potentially to gain!!!

Things don’t get better with neglect….
Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Insurance Planning
Guaranteed Income Planning


What Is A ‘Revocable Living Trust” And Why You Need One

Revocable trust on a wooden desk.


Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek…..
Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here

    I conclude this Basic Estate Planning Series with an explanation of the centerpiece of a proper Estate plan…The Revocable Living Trust

“What Is A Revocable Living Trust?”
     A Revocable Living Trust (RLT)  is a document you sign that provides for the transfer of all the assets in your Estate upon your death.

    Most people believe that its the WILL that transfers your assets..  A Will CAN transfer your assets upon your death if a Will is all you have.

    Remember, if you have a Will, your heirs are REQUIRED to file that will with the Probate Court of the County where you died and the Probate Legal Process takes over…..a costly and time consuming legal court process where your entire estate is made public and  anyone with a possible claim can file a petition with the court and adjudicate that claim.

    On the other hand, with a RLT all your estate assets are listed and you provide for any gifts and transfers you wish to make right in the Trust.

    The big differences are:
==the RLT is completely private…no court filing
==the RLT names a Trustee to handle the affairs  of the
RLT…not a court who names an administrator.
==you save time and court expenses

You Can Make Changes To Your RLT
    As long as you are alive and mentally competent you can make any changes you want to your RLT.However, once you become mentally incompetent(as determined by provisions of the RLT itself…no court determination required) or die, the RLT provisions become locked in and no changes can be made by the Trustee.

“Ok..But Why Do I Need Revocable Living Trust?”
    Glad you asked!!      Let’s say you own your personal home and maybe a vacation home.  The title to each of these parcels of real estate is you and your spouse in joint tenancy or tenancy by the entirety (which means if one of you dies the surviving spouse has automatic title to the real estate).

     The problem with this type of title is…..what if BOTH you and your spouse pass away at the same time..???  

Answer:  the real estate has no living title owner and the heirs must GO TO PROBATE COURT to sort it out….not good.  Expense, delays and possibility of disputes with potential creditors.

       ALL of your real estate should be titled in your Revocable Living Trust.  The RLT states that both spouses are GRANTORS of the RLT and also provides a Trustee to take over administration of Trust after the last of the two Grantors dies.      

     Without this RLT in the same situation above, your family would have to file an expensive and time consuming petition with Probate Court for someone to be named administrator or guardian so as to transact your business.   

     Besides the expense of hiring a Probate Attorney
($2500 to $5,000 minimum Retainer plus ongoing
hourly legal fees), the case could take 12-18 months
to resolve.  Add THAT potential cost up at $375/hour or more per hour!!!

Eliminates The Expense And Delay of Probate

Without this RLT
in the same situation above, your family would have to file an expensive and time consuming petition with Probate Court for someone to be named administrator or guardian so as to transact your business.   

     Besides the expense of hiring me as a Probate Attorney ($2500 to $5,000 minimum Retainer plus ongoing hourly legal fees), the case could take 12-18 months to resolve.  Add THAT potential cost up at $375/hour or more!!!

Reach Out To Me If You Have Questions.  
If you have comments or questions about any of this…



send me an email : ironkop@gmailcom or

if reading on my blog or Facebook page leave your questions or comments below.

Things Don’t Get Better With Neglect…..”

Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett, Inc.

CD Replacement: Want 4% Return Guaranteed For 4 Years?



Just south of Saw Mill Creek…

Hey Kevin Pritchett here:

Lousy 1% Bank CD Rates Got You Disgusted? 
    You want safety so you buy a bank CD.  Currently rates are at 1% or so….at that rate you’re not even keeping up with inflation….not to mention taxes on what little gains you have.

Earn 4% With Safety
Right now you can earn 4% for 5 years
on your money in a Safe, Guaranteed Annuity.   
Pretty simple,,,on $100,000 in 5 years:
With Bank CD:
With 5 Year 4% Guaranteed Safe Annuity    

a 400% increase in return compared to current bank CD rates…GUARANTEED!!

You Snooze You Lose 
I’m surprised these rates are still available!!   As a mentor of mine taught me years ago…..

You can’t steal in slow motion….

If you want to lock in 4% better move fast!!!

Profit From Market Upsides And
Eliminate Losses From Downturns

        The product above can give you a guaranteed
rate for 5 years WITH SAFETY  that FAR exceeds bank CDS.

        If you’d like to have the possibility of earning higher rates, there  are equity indexed
annuities that give you the opportunity to lock
in stock market gains without any stock market losses.

     Rather than wring your hands over low rates, continue to do  nothing and/or live in
constant fear…you can  implement simple, safe,
proven strategies that  can give you access
to all market upsides and eliminate any losses
from market downturns.

     Over the last 20 years I’ve helped HUNDREDS
of people and business owners create safe plans
that allow them to grow their assets, generate
tax free income streams at retirement (and have
their business pay for it…legally) and as a result,
sleep worry free when the markets gyrate.

For all the details WATCH THIS VIDEO

or to get info even faster

 Call right now to set up a time to discuss how I  can help

Things don’t get better with neglect…..”

Talk Soon

Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett

Call to set up a time to discuss how I  can help

What Is A ‘Power of Attorney For Property’ And Why You Need One

Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek…..
Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here

“What Is A Power of Attorney For Property?”   
  A Power of Attorney For Property is a document you sign that gives the person you designate the power to handle business matters for you in the event you are unable to make decisions for yourself.

     A Power of Attorney For Property is only applicable while you are incapacitated and alive. Once you become able to handle your affairs, the person named is no longer entitled to handle your affairs.  Alternatively if you die, the document is no longer valid.

“Ok..But Why Do I Need A Power of Attorney For Property?”
    Glad you asked!!      Let’s assume you have dementia and are no longer possessed of a mental state considered necessary to knowingly handle your business affairs.  In other words, in this example, you do not have the mental capacity to transact your business affairs. 

       With a valid Power of Attorney For Property
the person you name in that document to handle your business affairs can carry on for your benefit without your heirs having to file a petition in Probate Court to be named as a guardian.

Eliminates The Expense And Delay of Probate
     Without this Power of Attorney For Property in the same situation above, your family would have to file an expensive and time consuming petition with Probate Court for someone to be named administrator or guardian so as to transact your business. 

Besides the expense of hiring a Probate Attorney ($2500 to $5,000 minimum Retainer plus ongoing hourly legal fees), the case could take 12-18 months to resolve.   Add THAT potential cost up at $375/hour!!!

Reach Out To Me If You Have Questions.  
If you have comments or questions about any of this…send me an email :
or if reading on my blog or Facebook page leave your questions or comments below.

Things Don’t Get Better With Neglect…..”  

Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett, Inc