Entries by ironkop

A Will Is NOT An Estate Plan!!

Hey Attorney Kevin Pritchett here: Probate NightmareTrue story…..In a recent appointment, a client wanted my help with a Probate nightmare he had. Long, long story short, his mother left he and his sister a home..free and clear. The brother, my client, was living in the home and paying all the expenses. And the brother and […]

Attention Real Estate Investors…You Should Be Ashamed Of Yourself…

  Hi Kevin Pritchett here   You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself:    All That Damn Real Estate Debt And…..                   1. NO MORTGAGE PROTECTION PLAN ;   2. NO ASSET PROTECTION PLAN  3. No REAL ESTATE SUCCESSION PLAN OK Kevin…”What Is Mortgage Protection, Asset Protection and Real Estate Succession?”Glad you asked!!Mortgage Protection is a plan […]

Biggest Estate Planning Mistake Nearly EVERYBODY Makes…..

And The Simple Way To Avoid It!!! Hey Attorney Kevin Pritchett here: Probate NightmareTrue story…..In a recent appointment, a client wanted my help with a Probate nightmare he had. Long, long story short, his mother left he and his sister a home..free and clear. The brother, my client, was living in the home and paying […]

$18,975 Or More Per Year of Guaranteed Retirement Income…No Matter What The Stock Market Does!

How Would Your Retirement Planning Change If You Could Receive $18,975 OR MORE Per Year For The Rest of Your Life NO MATTER          IF STOCK MARKET ROSE OR FELL??? Hi Kevin Pritchett here      Are You Worried About Outliving Your Retirement? YOU SHOULD BE…but you don’t have to be!!!   […]

Worried About Outliving Your Money?

  You CAN Achieve Lifetime Guaranteed Income    WORRIED ABOUT OUTLIVING YOUR INCOME ?   Watch The Video To Learn How You Can Receive                 GUARANTEED INCOME FOR LIFE     For over 20 years I’ve helped my clients achieve LIFETIME GUARANTEED INCOME. THAT: Hey Kevin Pritchett here: Are You Worried About Outliving Your Retirement? YOU SHOULD BE…but […]

Tax Free Income How To Retire “Sooner, Wealthier”

CLICK THE VIDEO ABOVE How You Can Build                                  A TAX FREE Income                           And Retire Younger, Richer Hey Kevin Pritchett here Of all the different components in your financial life, which would you think creates the biggest drag on your bottom line?   I’ll even make it easier for you and make this ‘multiple choice’..   Which of […]

The Coolest Art And Artists You’ll Ever Meet….

Business Up-Close And Personal Podcast-January 2019:     The Aurora Arts Initiative/Emily McDonald-Founder Kevin Pritchett here: This month I have a great treat for you in our monthly Business Podcast.  This month I’m interviewing Emily McDonald, Founder and CEO of the Aurora Arts Initiative AAI.          Emily is a 22 year old […]

If Your Message Sucks….Social Media Won’t Save You!!

              Hey Kevin Pritchett here: I wish I had a dollar for every blog post and article I’ve read recently professing to tell me aka SELL ME the latest, greatest magic bullet that will guarantee me people will stay glued to whatever message I’m sharing with them…I believe the […]

Stock Market Got You Nervous…You Better Read This Right Now!

            Hey Kevin Pritchett here: Recent stock market gyrations got you worried?  Don’t lie…you KNOW you’re worried…and you SHOULD BE!! Can you… –afford to lose 10%…20% or more of your retirement portfolio? –devote the time it would take to recover any losses (aka postpone retirement…aka WORK LONGER???? I KNOW you […]

Do You REALLY Want To Improve?

                Hey Kevin Pritchett here: So let me ask you seriously….. “Do you REALLY want to improve? Sounds like a sacrilegious question doesn’t it?  Of course everyone wants to improve…well…not really.  Let me explain… What Do You Want To Get Better At? Truth is, either you’re getting better […]