Entries by ironkop

What Is A Will And Why Should You Have One

Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek…..Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here Estate Plan Series:     ‘What Is A Will And Why Should You Have One’   In previous newsletters I’ve shared that a proper Estate Plan has 5 components:  1. Last Will;2. Power of Attorney For Healthcare; 3. Power of Attorney For Property and5. Revocable Living Trust.    Today […]

Business Owners: You Need To Do This One Thing…RIGHT NOW!!

Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek….. Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here The Biggest Business Mistake You’re Probably Making       One of the biggest mistakes you’re making right now with your business is……. YOU HAVE NO SUCCESSION PLAN BUILT INTO YOUR OPERATING DOCUMENTS!!! I’m right about that aren’t  I ????        You’re so busy building and growing you […]

“Kevin Can I Earn More Than 3.5%…”

Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek….. Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here    “Kevin can I earn more than 3.5%…….?” Yes and No A client recently asked me this question…and like I told that client…yes…and no!!    First..legal disclaimer.  I am NOT an investment advisor, securities representative nor do I play one on TV.  If you have […]

The Shocking Truth About Your IRA…Its NOT What You Think It Is!!

Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek….. Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett hereDo You Know What Your IRA/401k/403b REALLY Is?   You probably believe what you’ve been told…that your Qualified Retirement Accounts are a great way for you to save for your retirement….yes and no.     What you probably DON’T know (unless you’re my client already or attended one […]

The 5 Steps To Creating An Estate Plan The ‘Right Way’

Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek….. Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here Why You Need An  Estate PlanSo you know you need an estate plan….To die without handling your affairs creates CHAOS and expense for your loved ones.    So even though you KNOW you need it for all the usual excuses you never seem to get around […]

When Should You Take Your Social Security Benefit?

Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek….. Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett hereWhen Is The Best Age To Take Social Security?You can collect your Social Security benefit as early as age 62.    However, you only get the full 100% of your Social Security benefit when you wait until your Full Retirement Age, which is somewhere between  the […]

Do You Have A Lawsuit Target On Your Back?

Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek….. Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here Your Chances of Being Sued Americans have a 10 percent chance of being suedin any given year and a 33 percent chance of beingsued in their lifetimes, according to IFG Trust Services Inc., an international investment firm Common MistakeProblem is there’s a LOT of misinformation […]

Think You’ll Live Forever Don’t You….YOU ARE SO WRONG!!

Just north of Saw Mill Creek… Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here   Look Very Closely At This Picture   Look very very closely at this picture.  Its a photograph of a group of guys I play music with. 2 Guitar players, Bass, Drums, We’re all about the same age, same stage in life. One of the gentlemen in […]

The Tax Trap The IRS Has Set For You

Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here The IRS Has Set A Deadly Tax Trap For YouAll money is taxed in one of 3 ways or ‘Buckets ‘for ease of illustration…..and one of those tax buckets is a DEADLY IRS Tax Trap theIRS has set for you.  Read on… 1. Tax Now Bucket     This is where […]