The Tax Trap The IRS Has Set For You

Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here
The IRS Has Set A Deadly Tax Trap For You
All money is taxed in one of 3 ways or ‘Buckets ‘for ease of illustration…..and one of those tax buckets is a DEADLY IRS Tax Trap theIRS has set for you. Read on…
1. Tax Now Bucket
This is where your money is taxed IMMEDIATELY!!
For example,
==your W-2 paycheck
==bank savings
==bank CDs
==emergency money saved in a bank
2. Tax Later Bucket
This is your qualified retirement accounts:
==IRA, 401k, 403B.
3. Tax Never Bucket
This is where your money accumulates without tax
and you can take it out ….WITHOUT TAX…a true tax free environment (once the money is put in this bucket.
It may be taxed prior to getting in this Tax Never Bucket).
Examples of this Tax Never Bucket are:
==Roth IRAs
==Self Directed Roth IRAs
==Cash Value Life Insurance Policies
The idea is to move as much money as possible away from the Tax Now and even Tax Later Bucket sand place that money in the Tax Never Bucket.
Simple and Effective……Tax Season is here…get on it!!!
“Things don’t get better with neglect…..”
Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett, Inc.

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