Entries by ironkop

What Is The ‘Tax Never’ Bucket ?

                Happy Tax Filing Day Everyone…. (Of course not business owners who had to file last month…) Kevin Pritchett here with the third in my ‘The 3 Tax Bucket’s Series. Previously I explained the ‘Tax Now‘ and ‘Tax Later‘ buckets and showed how each is designed to suck […]

Uncle Sam’s Tax Trap…Just For You!!

      Hey, Kevin Pritchett here With Part 2 of my Tax Free Income Series.  Last time I explained the ‘Tax Now’ bucket and how you want to remove as much of your wealth as possible from this ‘pay- tax- first- and- you- get- what’s- left‘ realm. Question of course is…’remove it and place […]

So Paying Taxes May NOT Be Inevitable After All!

  Hey Kevin Pritchett here: You’ve heard the old saying… ‘2 Things In Life Are Certain…Death and Taxes’ Well it appears that old saying is only HALF right…    There is a safe, legal, tried and true strategy for receiving TAX FREE income.   First, a little background on how we’ve ALL be suckered punched!! The 3 […]

Kevin’s Rule Number 3

Hey Kevin Pritchett here Kevin’s Rule Number 3 ‘Only Deal With People Who Want To Deal With You.  If They DON’T, The Reasons Don’t Matter Now just stop and think about this rule for a moment….. Makes incredibly good sense doesn’t it?  Too many times business owners fret over ‘the one that got away’ or […]

How To Create A Business Plan That Gets You Money

Hey Kevin Pritchett here: Forget All The Crap You’ve Been Taught…Seriously! As the Managing Director of a Private Equity Fund and as a business attorney who has represented high net worth business owners and gets pitches and business plans presented to me  for over 30 years….. I can tell you there’s a bunch of crap […]

Do ‘Business Texts’ Irritate You?

            Ok…I REALLY should be writing today about Business Owner tax free income strategies (given its the day after business tax filing deadline…) but I’ve got another ‘stone in my shoe’ to share first.  Let me ask you a question… DO BUSINESS TEXTS IRRITATE YOU? They irritate me and let […]

These 3 Things NEVER Lie!

            The 3 Things  That NEVER Lie…  The Scale Your Mirror Your Bank Account The Scale You eat Doritos, donuts and Frappachinos all day every day but just can’t figure out why you can’t lose weight….RIIIIGHT!! Guys, suck in their guts and ladies well, I don’t even want to start […]

Character Matters…In Business And In Life..A Lot!!

Ok right at the outset some of you won’t like what I’m about to say.  But quite frankly I don’t really care…because its too important not to say….     Character matters in business and in life… it matters a lot!! Day after day we’re bombarded with stories of … –unscrupulous business practices –unscrupulous political practices […]

Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Work Today…

          Funny thing happened on the way to work this morning… I was searching the major news feeds in order to come up with a business topic to write about…you know …valuable business content that would help my business clients, colleagues and Founders/CEO Business Collective Members???? After about 20 pages and […]

Where The Solutions To ‘Unsolvable Problems’ Reside

I’m going to suggest a radical premise for you to consider. Namely… THERE ARE NO UNSOLVABLE  PROBLEMS (Business or Otherwise….) Radical concept??…not really. What does this have to do with business??  Hang with me for a moment…you’ll see I promise!! All knowledge, human and otherwise, resides in what I call ‘The 4 Realms of Truth’ […]