Do You REALLY Want To Improve?









Hey Kevin Pritchett here:

So let me ask you seriously…..

“Do you REALLY want to improve?
Sounds like a sacrilegious question doesn’t it?  Of course everyone wants to improve…well…not really.  Let me explain…

What Do You Want To Get Better At?
Truth is, either you’re getting better or you’re falling behind.  The real issue though is…what do you WANT to get better at?

This issue came to me as I was considering whether to sign up for another year of singing in a 100 voice symphony chorus.  The audition requirements came out and there was a decided upgrading of the audition requirements.

While I understood and even admired and was proud to be a part of an organization with such high standards, I had to be honest and admit I really didn’t want to get better at singing.  What I wanted to get better at was playing the piano..jazz improvisational playing to be specific.

At that very moment I realized my desire to stay in the chorus was based on my pride in being associated with such a fine ensemble, the friendships I’ve developed and my admiration of our Maestro.

When I realized what I truly wanted to get better at, it became apparent if I was to be in alignment with my truest self, what I needed to do was discontinue singing and ramp up my playing.

Ask The Right Questions  And You’ll Transform Your Life

I submit that if you put every single activity of your business, work and life through the decision crucible of :

what do I truly WANT to be get better at?

You will come to see what you truly desire instead of what you’re supposed to want.  And in focusing on what you truly desire most and then commit to improvement of THAT area, your  life/work/business will be transformed!!

Things don’t improve with neglect....”

Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Founder-Founders/CEO Business Owners Collective(FBOC)








1 reply
  1. ironkop
    ironkop says:

    Glad you liked the post. Just write things that will truly help your audience and HAVE FUN!!
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    Kevin Pritchett, Esq


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