Professor/Judge Henry Ramsey









Just south of Saw Mill Creek…

Hey Kevin Pritchett here:

Judge Henry Ramsey

Recently I came across the picture above…The man in the picture is one of my professors in law school… the late Professor (later Judge) Henry Ramsey.

Judge Ramsey taught me a great many things the least of which were:

==critical thinking..NEVER assume

==think for yourself

==don’t stop at the through


Don’t Stop At The Edges

Get the idea??!!  He taught me to ALWAYS think and never, ever assume, take someone else’s word or stop at the edges…he taught me he taught ALL of his students to think through to the every end of a problem.

Because of Judge Ramsey I have been able to think fresh ideas and come up with new solutions where others said “it couldn’t be done” or “we don’t do it THAT way..”

As a result of the mental rigor he taught me I’ve been able to create brand new solutions for my clients’ that cross law, insurance,  estate planning and just plain common sense!!

Thank you Judge Ramsey….I owe you a TON!!

Remember things don’t get better with neglect…..”

Talk Soon
Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Insurance Planning

Law Office of Kevin Pritchett


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