Kevin’s Rule Number 3

Hey Kevin Pritchett here

Kevin’s Rule Number 3
‘Only Deal With People Who Want To Deal With You.  If They DON’T, The Reasons Don’t Matter

Now just stop and think about this rule for a moment…..
Makes incredibly good sense doesn’t it?  Too many times business owners fret over ‘the one that got away’ or ‘why didn’t he/she sign the deal?”

Now for sure, honest critique and evaluation of your sales processes are absolutely important in correcting problems and seeing where you could do better.

The Reasons They Say’No’ Don’t Matter…Seriously!!

Through bitter experience I have learned that the customer that doesn’t choose me, for whatever reason, by definition is NOT the RIGHT customer for my business…I hope you get this!!

Unfortunately, most business owners don’t.  They  dwell on the failure to gain that WRONG customer  much more and with much more energy than they think about ways to attract the RIGHT customer…I hope you get this too!!

The RIGHT Customer

The RIGHT customer is the person who

  1. Has a problem/need they are ready to solve NOW
  2. Appreciates that you have the solution they seek
  3. Is ready, willing and able to move forward with you NOW.

If for whatever reason someone is NOT every one of those 3 points above that prospect is NOT the right customer for you and the reasons why they are not are not in your control and shouldn’t be of concern to you.

This Is Where Most Mess Up….

Your big mistake is worrying about why Fred didn’t sign your contract .  FORGET WHY FRED DIDN’T DO BUSINESS…

Instead, continue to follow up with that FREEDA, preferably in an automated fashion, that allows you to stay  in front of that prospect or ‘top of mind’ until they ARE ready, willing and able to do business with you NOW.   This is where most business owners mess up…they don’t follow up the right way.

There’s A Right Way And  Wrong Way To Follow Up

And why don’t you follow up…it sucks that’s why.  Let me clarify a bit…. It sucks because  in many cases you’ve been brainwashed into believing ‘effective follow up’ consists of:

–badgering the prospect on the phone,
–leaving endless voicemails and texts, and now facebook
messages….all in the vain attempt to break through…
–sending expensive and useless direct(JUNK) mail

Listen Up And Listen Good….
If someone doesn’t want to deal with you, all the phone calls and texts and facebook messages in the world won’t change that!!!

–Discover who you your target market is
–Discover what they desperately want/problem they have
–Offer to solve it
–Stay in front of them (using automated follow up and
appointment setting tools) with your targeted solution to their
searing pain…and over time the ones who want to do business
with you will.

Stop Worrying About The Ones Who Say No


In future posts I’ll show you how to make a FORTUNE from the ones who say ‘No’ (without spending one second worrying about why they said ‘No’ bout that!!!)

Things don’t get better with neglect…..”

Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Founder-Founders/CEO Business Collective (FBOC)
JPI Ventures LLC-Private Equity
Managing Director

P.S. Starting next week, on the ( CLICK HERE TO JOIN FBOC Linkedin Group, I’m beginning my much anticipated series entitled:
How To Create Tax Free Income For Life…

Or you can leave your email in the box to the right to start receiving the series….

6 replies
    • ironkop
      ironkop says:

      I use hostgator…works great for me.
      Glad you liked the blog. Let me know what topics you’re interested in
      so I can be sure to create content that addresses your issues.
      Also, Be sure to sign up for my feed and also leave your email
      on the to get all my content.
      Kevin Pritchett, Esq

  1. ironkop
    ironkop says:

    I use
    Glad you liked the blog. Let me know what topics you’re interested in
    so I can be sure to create content that addresses your issues.
    Also, Be sure to sign up for my feed and also leave your email
    on the to get all my content.
    Kevin Pritchett, Esq


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