Where The Solutions To ‘Unsolvable’ Problems Reside..









I’m going to suggest a radical premise for you to consider. Namely…

(Business or Otherwise….)

Radical concept??…not really.
What does this have to do with business??  Hang with me for a moment…you’ll see I promise!!

All knowledge, human and otherwise, resides in what I call
‘The 4 Realms of Truth’

The First Realm 
This realm are the things we KNOW we know because we have evidence to back up what we know…. e.g. earth rotates around the Sun (the history of THIS knowledge is a study all in itself…)

The Second Realm 
This realm are things we THINK we know but just need a bit more evidence to back up what we think we know is true. e.g. there may be water on Mars..need to get some probes there to find out for sure

The Third Realm
This realm contains things we’re not AT ALL SURE about..so much so that we can’t even wrap our minds around what the issues really are e.g. is light a wave or a particle??

The Fourth Realm
This is the ‘money realm’ for unsolvable problems.  This is the realm where WE DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT WE DON’T KNOW…and this is where ALL and I mean ALL unsolvable problems dwell!!
Because an ‘unsolvable problem’ is really just a problem that is not yet solved because we’re looking in the wrong place for the wrong answers!!!

You’re Looking In All The Wrong Places
We’re looking left and the answer is in another dimension!!  In short, unsolvable problems remain unsolved because:

 we don’t truly understand the real nature of the problem OR THE SOLUTION and as a result we’re searching in the wrong places for a solution that will NEVER solve the problem

A perfect example of  this mismatch is the study for the nature of  matter.  For over 50 years physicists have believed the nature of matter was particulate and that there was a fundamental particle that would unlock the secrets of the existence of all matter.

With the discovery of every new particle they discovered more…it was as if the search for particles created more particles (ah…Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle come to blistering reality).

Scientists now are  coming to understand that PARTICLES ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING THE CORNERSTONE OF MATTER.  They’re looking now at dimensionality (String Theory), Dark Matter and Dark Energy…uh…say what???

Every Unsolvable Problem Was Actually
Solved In The Fourth Realm

If you track the history of every discovery you will find that the turning point for ‘solving the unsolvable’ was turning awareness to the Fourth Realm and realizing the problem was unsolvable because the questions being asked were ALL WRONG.

Ok Einstein…
What Does This Have To Do With My Business?”

Every so called ‘intractable business problem’ you think you have can be solved by turning to the Fourth Realm for possible solutions.

For example:
Problem 1-“Poor Sales/Cashflow
Belief:..I can’t get my sales staff to produce.”
Fourth Realm Solution:-It’s not the sales staff….Nobody wants the product you’re offering…that’s why sales are off.

Problem 2:  Burnout
Belief: “I hate my clients/customer and I want to quit.”
Fourth Realm Solution: It’s not the clients/customers…its YOU.  You’ve been doing this for 35 years without a break in routine.  There ARE aspects you love…focus more on those and give the parts you DON’T like to others on your team…

The ‘Take-Home’ message..
To solve the ‘unsolveable problem’

–ask different questions…
–seek radically different solutions

In short….go to The Fourth Realm’

Things don’t get better with neglect…they get worse.”

Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett, Inc.

P.S. CLICK HERE to connect with me on Linkedin for more ‘out of the box business thinking especially for business Founders/CEOs

PPS Would love your comments on this post!!! Just leave comments below in comment area!!







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