These 3 Things NEVER Lie!







The 3 Things  That NEVER Lie…

  1.  The Scale
  2. Your Mirror
  3. Your Bank Account

The Scale
You eat Doritos, donuts and Frappachinos all day every day but just can’t figure out why you can’t lose weight….RIIIIGHT!!

Guys, suck in their guts and ladies well, I don’t even want to start to describe what YOU do…smaller sizes, tight jeans…you know what you do!!!

But the great truth teller is the scale.  You either carry more weight than you should or you don’t…and the scale tells the truth!!

The Mirror
You all know the famous question..
“Do these pants make my butt look big?
A bachelor will say…YEP
A married guy will lie…and say ‘oh no dear.”

Guys will stand sideways, and try to hide the protruding gut…
But here again, the great truth teller is the mirror..look and see what REALLY is.

Your Bank Account
Now before you all go ‘PC’ and rant on about how money is NOT the measure of all things and such…I’m NOT repeat NOT saying money is the measure of all things.

But  for BUSINESS OWNERS, the bank account ABSOLUTELY IS a measuring stick to how you’re doing in your business.

You can have all the fancy- pants branding, and social media presence and web site opt in and Search Engine Optimization prowess you want…..but at the end of the day if you don’t have more money in your business and personal bank account than you did the week, month and year before…SOMETHING’S WRONG AND NEEDS TO BE FIXED.

Why I’m Ranting About This Right Now

And why am I ranting on about this right now??
I just completed my 2017 tax returns for all my businesses (they’re due March 15 sports fans!!!) and the monthly and yearly income and expense compilations are EXTREMELY REVEALING.

I see EXACTLY where I failed and where I need work.  It should NOT have come as a surprise but it did…because I was in denial about certain projects and businesses  However. the the numbers on my balance sheet and the money NOT in my bank account for those businesses doesn’t lie.

Tell yourself the truth…always.  It is WAY easier in the long run!!

Remember…things don’t get better with neglect.”

Kevin Pritchett
Founder-Founders/CEO Business Owner Collective FBOC
P.S.  If you want to join the sharpest CEOs and business owners  in a no holds barred community..CLICK HERE

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