Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Work Today…






Funny thing happened on the way to work this morning…
I was searching the major news feeds in order to come up with a business topic to write about…you know …valuable business content that would help my business clients, colleagues and Founders/CEO Business Collective Members????

After about 20 pages and countless posts all that came up was crap about Donald Trump’s alleged affair with Stormy Daniels, what White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders did or didn’t say about it….

Ok..there were some stories about a proposed gun bill ban in Florida..but even then the coverage of it was less about the content of the proposed bill than it was about politics, gossip and nonesense.

Here’s the point of my rant…..

As business owners/Founders/CEOs you MUST and I mean MUST ignore the nonsense, focus on what’s important to your business and leave the rest behind…WAY BEHIND!!

Case in point….

While all this  Stormy Daniels crap is floating in the media( don’t get me wrong its BEYOND awful that this discussion even has to occur about the President of the United States…) …

–brand new tariffs are being put in place on steel and aluminum
–new tax laws will have a SIGNIFICANT impact on business tax
rates..if you know how to apply the new laws and regulations
–enormous opportunities are now opening up that will literally
obliterate certain industries and create brand ones

You gotta keep your eye on the ball….
and don’t become distracted!!

Remember….things don’t get better with neglect..they get worse!

Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Founder-The Founder/CEO Business Owners Collective (FBOC)
Managing Director-JPI Ventures LLC; Private Equity

P.S. Click Here To Connect With Me On Linkedin 

2 replies
    • ironkop
      ironkop says:

      Glad you liked the blog. Let me know what topics you’re interested in
      so I can be sure to create content that addresses your issues.
      Also, Be sure to sign up for my feed and also leave your email
      on the to get all my content.
      Kevin Pritchett, Esq


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