Attention High Net Worth Business Owners/Individuals

                                        Business Owners

Are you concerned about …..

 –How To Extract The Equity From Your Business
Without Triggering A Huge Tax Bite ?

 –How To Transition Out Of Your Business Without
Ending The Business?

 – Who Will Take Over Your Business…How To Pay
For The Transition?

How To Protect Your Successful Business From

How To Transfer Your Business and Personal
Wealth To The Next Generation  Smoothly, Privately
With Minimum of Tax Eroding
Your Estate?

Does This Sound Like You…..

 I’m ready to leave my business but I don’t know how to do it”

“If I leave my business will I have enough money to retire?…
“Can I really receive TAX FREE income from my business?”

“How do I protect my business and myself from frivolous

How do I transfer my wealth smoothly to the next generation with  probate and taxes?

Is this you?  I’ll bet it is.

Hello… Kevin Pritchett Attorney at Law here.

For those of you who may not know me, I’m managing director of The Law Office of Kevin Pritchett, Inc. a Law Firm in the Chicagoland area with practice areas  designed to serve the specialized needs of successful business owners and high net worth individuals including:

Business Succession Planning

-Tax Free Income Planning

-Asset Protection

-Estate Planning.

That in and of itself may or may not mean anything to you…but this will…

I’ve been serving clients for over 30 years!!  The things I’m about to tell you are not theoretical by any means.  Every single strategy I’m sharing with you here and in my “Business Owner Insider Secrets email and video report being delivered to your email inbox every day for the next few days, is tested and proven through literally hundreds and hundreds of my clients.

                          The High Net Worth Business Owner

     Our clients are all successful business owners and individuals ( 1 Million Dollars net worth and higher).  This group, as you know, have extremely unique needs and require specialized, interdisciplinary customized plan designs to fully serve the needs of this dynamic group of business owners and individuals.  In this special report, I’m going to pull back the curtain and reveal some little known secrets that are regularly discussed  in  wood paneled conference rooms all across America.

                                        A Little About Me

Before I do that, let me tell you a bit about me.  I’m a graduate of the University of Notre Dame.  I’m also a graduate of  the University of California  at Berkeley School of Law where I served on several law journals and received honors grades Constitutional Law.  While in Law School I completed an externship on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

For what its worth,  I even attended one year at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Medical School……don’t ask!!

I tell you these things about my education, not to brag, but to show you that I’m a pretty sharp guy..and not easily bamboozled by the latest business fad.  Over the 30 years of my practice I’ve seen it all and probably planned for it all for my clients..who as you can imagine are extremely demanding.

As a matter of fact, other attorneys and advisors don’t appreciate how candid and honest I am with my clients .  They don’t want you to know all the dirty little secrets, myths and effective, but little known strategies I’m about to share with you.

                             The Most Important Question


As a successful business owner considering transitioning from your business, the number one question YOU have on YOUR mind  and the number one question ALL   my clients had on their minds when they booked their initial appointment with me is…

 “How do I extract the economic value I’ve built up in my business to obtain a monthly income with or without having to sell or leave my business ?” 

Other questions my clients have when they come to us:
How do I obtain true asset protection and  protect my business against lawsuits?” 

“How do I  transition my business to new owners with or without having to leave the business? 

“How do I transfer my business and personal wealth to the next generation without Federal and State Taxes eating up all the wealth I’ve built up over my life?

These questions literally keep most business owners up at night…true for you?

                      The Dirty Secret Nobody Will Tell You

Here’s the unvarnished truth.   It’s no coincidence nearly all successful business owners have these questions.   THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED TO HIJACK YOUR BUSINESS WEALTH FROM YOU and you know it.  You’ve done battle with the IRS, state regulators, pain in the neck lawsuit attorneys and all the rest.

While you’re well aware of the problems, risks and pitfalls….you’re not really sure how to best  protect your business and your personal wealth.  In point of long as you sit and worry without taking the appropriate action steps…..YOU’RE A SITTING DUCK for taxes…lawsuits and all other manner of factors all poised to suck the life from your hard earned business and personal estate.

                                     It’s Not Your Fault

Little wonder you don’t..can’t know all the things you don’t even know you don’t know…(but that you absolutely MUST know to protect your business and yourself in today’s environment.) You’re a successful business owner and you’re absolutely NOT a tax, asset protection, estate planning or succession planning expert.

For example, many business owners believe that A Will is sufficient to prevent their heirs from having to expend money and time in Probate….NOTHING COULD FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.

Here’s another one….that trusts will provide asset protection…NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING TRUE.

And finally, that in order to receive income from your business you have to sell the business…NOPE…NOT TRUE!!

                                             There Are Proven Solutions

Over the 30 years of my legal practice, I’ve seen and helped literally hundreds of my clients  identity these and other myths and address and successfully solve the problems associated with them.                                                                 

In fact, there are a number of very powerful, proven ways to extract equity out of your business, protect you from lawsuits, receive TAX FREE income streams from your business for life.
In fact its not uncommon at all for our high net worth business owner clients to receive $250,000 or more per year in TAX FREE income.                                                     


Of course, each client’s situation is different and there are no guarantees.  However, if you meet the guidelines you could very well be able to receive this kind of income.

Several of these strategies DO NOT require you to sell or leave the business to receive the equity built up in your business or personal high net worth estate.

Additionally, there are ways for you to receive this equity TAX FREE…yes you heard it right…TAX FREE.

And when you combine the income stream you could receive from your business in addition to whatever other income you may be receiving, you can then easily determine how much you will have all throughout your life no matter whether you are in or out of your business.

No guesswork, hocus- pocus or obscure Wall Street, IRS or Tax Code mumble jumbo.




The strategies I use with our clients are based on the law.  They’re the strategies  high net worth business owners and individuals have used for generations.  Why…because they’re proven and they work!

Each client’s business and personal situation is unique so each plan design must also be uniquely tailored to the needs of each client.  No cookie cutter solutions work for high net worth business owners and individuals.

                          What You Should Do Right Now                                             

You’re already receiving my complementary multi- part “Business Owner Insider Secrets”  Planning Email and Video Series delivered into your email in box each day over the next few days.  If this report and my Insider Secrets series stirs up questions and makes you want to learn more….here what’s you should do right now.

                    Request Your 1 on 1 Consultation

If you would like to schedule a 1 on 1 consultation with me so I can review your specific situation and determine if we can help you… put your name and email in the box to the right on the site here or CLICK THIS LINK  and you’ll get IMMEDIATE access to the video series (if you don’t already have access to it) as well as request an appointment directly with me.

My friends, if you’re at the point in your life and business when you  want to:

– find out how you can extract the equity built up over a lifetime;

– find out how to protect your business and personal estate from           lawsuits;

– find out how to create a business succession plan with or
without you being in the

-find out how to pass your business and personal estate on to the        next generation  privately and with as little tax as possible

Here’s your opportunity, RIGHT NOW, to step out of the fear and anxiety you’re currently living in regarding these questions.  You literally have NOTHING to lose and everything to gain by learning more and getting the REAL ANSWERS to these pressing issues.

                                The Clock Is Ticking

Each passing day you operate your business without the proper mechanisms in place to protect your business and personal assets is like ignoring a ticking time bomb sitting right next to you. Don’t believe me?  Well believe this….

-There are over 450,000 attorneys in the US.  With
law schools pumping out over 34,000 new attorneys each

-Little wonder there are over 100 million lawsuits filed in
state  courts against business owners every year….

Your chances of getting named in one of these lawsuits….
With just over 326 Million US population…
And 100 Million cases filed (that’s just in state courts)

Your chances of being sued are a whopping 1 in 3!!!

Believe me NOW that you need protection and RIGHT NOW???

Put your name and email in the box to the right or CLICK HERE and request a no obligation 1 on 1 appointment to get your specific questions answered.

Talk Soon
Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett, Inc.

P.S. CLICK HERE to schedule your 1 on 1 appointment with me to
ask all your business succession. business income, asset
        protection and estate planning questions.

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