
CD Replacement: Want 4% Return Guaranteed For 4 Years?



Just south of Saw Mill Creek…

Hey Kevin Pritchett here:

Lousy 1% Bank CD Rates Got You Disgusted? 
    You want safety so you buy a bank CD.  Currently rates are at 1% or so….at that rate you’re not even keeping up with inflation….not to mention taxes on what little gains you have.

Earn 4% With Safety
Right now you can earn 4% for 5 years
on your money in a Safe, Guaranteed Annuity.   
Pretty simple,,,on $100,000 in 5 years:
With Bank CD:
With 5 Year 4% Guaranteed Safe Annuity    

a 400% increase in return compared to current bank CD rates…GUARANTEED!!

You Snooze You Lose 
I’m surprised these rates are still available!!   As a mentor of mine taught me years ago…..

You can’t steal in slow motion….

If you want to lock in 4% better move fast!!!

Profit From Market Upsides And
Eliminate Losses From Downturns

        The product above can give you a guaranteed
rate for 5 years WITH SAFETY  that FAR exceeds bank CDS.

        If you’d like to have the possibility of earning higher rates, there  are equity indexed
annuities that give you the opportunity to lock
in stock market gains without any stock market losses.

     Rather than wring your hands over low rates, continue to do  nothing and/or live in
constant fear…you can  implement simple, safe,
proven strategies that  can give you access
to all market upsides and eliminate any losses
from market downturns.

     Over the last 20 years I’ve helped HUNDREDS
of people and business owners create safe plans
that allow them to grow their assets, generate
tax free income streams at retirement (and have
their business pay for it…legally) and as a result,
sleep worry free when the markets gyrate.

For all the details WATCH THIS VIDEO

or to get info even faster

 Call right now to set up a time to discuss how I  can help

Things don’t get better with neglect…..”

Talk Soon

Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett

Call to set up a time to discuss how I  can help

“Kevin Can I Earn More Than 3.5%…”

Just south of ‘Sawmill Creek…..

Hi Attorney Kevin Pritchett here

   “Kevin can I earn more than 3.5%…….?”

Yes and No
A client recently asked me this question…and like I told that client…yes…and no!! disclaimer.  I am NOT an investment advisor, securities representative nor do I play one on TV.  If you have questions about your securities (stocks, mutual funds, bonds…) you should seek the advice of licensed professionals.

   Ok…now that I have THAT out of the way….There are ways that are NOT securities that you have the possibility to earn a higher return.

    How?  The insurance industry!!

The Insurance Industry  
I bet you didn’t know that using insurance products, equity indexed annuities and equity indexed life insurance policies you have the ability to grow your money at returns approaching 5.5%-7.5% or higher…all without any stock market risk!!

Upside Return WITHOUT Downside Risk
      Here’s how it works.  When you purchase Equity Indexed Insurance Products you are NOT putting your money into the stock market.

   The insurance company takes your premium (the amount you are putting into the insurance products) and matches it against the return of various indexes. 

When the index you’re matched with goes up, you get a portion of the growth. 

Your Gains Are Locked In
    Here’s the good part…when the index you’re matched with goes down or negative…you get a ZERO return for that period.

  As a result, any gains you make arelocked NEVER have to recover from a loss.

    So here’s all the benefits of this powerful strategy:
==you get upside market growth potential

In other words….you get to participate in market gains…and avoid all market losses.PRETTY SWEET!!

Surrender Periods and Charges
     The catch with this strategy is that there are surrender periods and charges…just like with a CD.  You have access to 10% (typically) of your money each year without surrender charge and after the surrender period is over, the surrender charges NEVER reappear…unlike a Bank CD.

   If this approach interests you….


Another Approach -Guaranteed Fixed Interest Rate     So remember in my answer to my client’s question I said yes…and no…here’s the no part.

If you’re ‘old school’ and you want essentially a CD Replacement and want the certainty of a fixed interest rate for a fixed period of time…then you can choose a GUARANTEED FIXED INTEREST RATE Product like a Bank CD, or an annuity. A bond also if you want stock market exposure.  

Currently the going rate for Bank CDs is 0.5% to 1.5% depending on the term and the amount of the DC.

    Currently the going rate for Guaranteed Fixed Interest Rate annuity products is about 3.5% (this rate varies with market conditions and there is an outlier company with a 4.1% rate but 3.5% is about average for a Guaranteed Fixed Rate Annuity in March of 2019).

    So…if you want the absolute certainty of a certain interest rate..then no you can’t earn much more than 3.5% currently….

Reach Out To Me If You Have Questions.  
If you have comments or questions about any of this…send me an email:ironkop@gmailcom or if reading on my blog or Facebook page leave your questions or comments below.

Things Don’t Get Better With Neglect…..”

Kevin Pritchett, Esq   
Law Office of Kevin Pritchett, Inc