If Your Message Sucks….Social Media Won’t Save You!!








Hey Kevin Pritchett here:

I wish I had a dollar for every blog post and article I’ve read recently professing to tell me aka SELL ME the latest, greatest magic bullet that will guarantee me people will stay glued to whatever message I’m sharing with them…I believe the new buzzword is “engagement.”

I’ll be darned if there aren’t even Vice Presidents of Engagement…what the ????

A Stroll Down  Memory Lane  

Remember just a few short years ago when EMAIL was supposed to be the business ‘game changer’  and most especially in ‘sales conversion’..fancy language for convincing prospects to buy your stuff!!

Then it was AUTOMATED EMAIL FOLLOW UP..not just one email but a series of emails in order to stay in front of your prospects until they bought from you.

Then came VIDEOS in your emails…seems if you showed a movie of yourself selling people stuff (without any real regard to what you were trying to sell them…) it was supposed to AUTOMATICALLY make them like you, trust you and buy from you…ok!!

Next, SMS or TEXT messaging was supposed to be the end all…97%+  response rates i.e. people are curious and open texts more than emails…and THAT was the secret to making sales…uh huh right!!

Ok..then the bold new world was….yep…SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT.  Yep..if somebody put something on Facebook or Instagram or Linkedin or a blog  or wherever…. that was supposed to make us  engage with it more and like it and you more….YEAH RIGHT!!

First of all…nobody who’s successful spends much time on social media…we’re out in the world doin stuff!!      The people who are on social media are people trying to sell us stuff….yeah dammit I said it!!

                        There Is Only ONE Magic Bullet…

And it ain’t (yeah I said ain’t!!)

–autoresponder follow up
-social media…

or ANY type of media.

The ‘magic bullet’ of business and human interaction of ALL types for that matter is ….


If you understand your audience well enough to know what keeps them up at night, what they desperately want…..

and you give them what they desperately want….

People will read your letters, emails, videos or whatever.  But if you’re a horse’s arse and offer nothing of value in your emails, videos and social media posts but more emails, videos and social media posts…THE MEDIA WON’T MATTER…AND NEVER WILL

If I want a Porshe 911 sports car and you keep offering me a family minivan…will your social media posts matter one bit???   NOPE!!

Engagement comes from offering somebody something THEY want…not something you want to give them..PERIOD…END OF STORY!!

Sending lame videos day after day after day without providing solutions to what your prospects want irritates your audience and is ultimately a waste of your time.

So save your shekels..you don’t need the latest course, high priced coaching, social media video software or whatever……

The only magic bullet there is and will ever be is….

Working hard at knowing what your target market desperately wants…..And giving it to them!!

I don’t know about you…but I sure feel better now!!!

Things don’t get better with neglect….

Kevin Pritchett, Esq
Founder-Founder/CEO Business Collective





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